
Counselor/Assistant Counselor

Counselors are a vital part of this camp ministry. Counselors will lead campers in small group games, team-building activities and bible study. They will also share their faith testimony to our camp community.

  • Christian & Good Role Model
  • At least 18 yrs old
  • Physical & Mental Capability to Care for Campers

*Applicants who are 16-17 yrs old can serve as Assistant counselors

HGC Sessions

Session 1 : June 30th – July 5th

Session 2 : July 21st – July 26th

Session 3 : Aug 4th – Aug 9th

Plant Seeds of the Gospel

Then he said to his disciples, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.Matthew 9:37-38